Monday, September 10, 2012


In a casual game, my friend got dealt a 46 Yarborough. Nothing higher than a 6.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Santa Clara 9/3 - play 2S

3rd seat

AQT8xx Ax -- 98xxx

p (p) 1S (2C)
2H (p) 2S

Kx JTxxx QJTxx x
AQT8xx Ax --- 98xxx

CK lead, trump shift. If you play small from dummy, RHO plays the 9.

Don't be careless. I was.

Santa Clara 9/3 - play 4H

To recap, I played in the two day pairs, where day 1 was the qual. I played terribly, and we didn't make the cut.

Then we played in a bracketed KO where we asked to be moved up and promptly lost.

So now we are in the final round of the loser loser swiss.

Here's the one thing I did well all weekend.

Kx AQJT7 x JTxxx

1H (3D) 3H (p)
4H (p) p (x)

DQ lead, we see

xxxx 865 Kxx AK9
Kx AQJT7 x JTxxx

I duck the opening lead, and the ace appears on my right. RHO now plays ace and a spade.

I cross to dummy's CA and casually float the H8. LHO shows out. Repeat the finesse.

At this point, I play a club to dummy's K, dropping LHO's Qx! Now, I play the DK to try to induce the ruff, and RHO obliges. Cross back to dummy's C9, pick up trumps, 4Hx+1.

Santa Clara 9/3 - hand 1


AKQxxx -- x AKxxxx

1S 1N
3C 3N
4C 4S

Do you move or give up?

I passed, partner is Jx AQxx QJTxxx x

Got a heart lead, so shed the diamond, ruffed two clubs, and when everything behaved, I made 7. Would you reach 6? The other table did and it takes a very specific defense to beat it, so it seems like a good slam.