lol I am so bad
Opponents have the auction 2H 3NT
Partner leads the D2
D2, small from dummy, I stick in the T, declarer wins the Q.
Now plays the HA and a club to dummy.
I win the CA and return... the SK!
Even if declarer has the SQ, my lead of the SK kills the entry to dummy's heart suit. Of course, this actually leads to an overtrick...
Declarer can now take 3 clubs, 1 diamond, 2 hearts, and 2 spades is 8. A winning spade or heart finesse will be 9. If I had just cashed out the diamonds, declarer can only ever come to 8 tricks (because the heart suit remains blocked.) In my feeble defense, I didn't know if we led 2nd or 4th from four bad holding (even though I probably did know.)
Declarer went wrong and we got it back anyway.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
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