Thursday, February 18, 2010

San Jose 2/17

Matchpoints. You sit north.

Opponents play 12-14 NT, so opener should not have 12-14 balanced on this auction. 2S is perhaps pushy, but here you are.

Partner leads the SK and continues with the 9. You overtake with the T. Wanting to score your trump queen before leading a third round of spades, you exit with a club.

Declarer cashes the HK, realizes that something fishy is going on, plays a heart to the ace, and makes 5.

Meanwhile, in reality, I just played the SA at trick 3, giving partner his ruff, and declarer dropped my HQ to make 4. Should I have tried the imagined line?

Update: I was staring at this hand and realized that if I wanted to try this, I should NOT overtake the spade and let declarer think that I'm an idiot. I can't say that she'd be wrong to think that...

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