Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Casual game 4/20

You open 2N with AKJx AKJ ATx Jxx, passed out.

LHO leads a small diamond, you see

xxxx xxx KJx xxx


Right or wrong, you put in the J and it holds, RHO showing even count. If you assume clubs are 2-5 and that they will shift to it when they get in, how do you play?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Palo Alto 3/31

1. Matchpoints, you're in second with Tx KQTxx xxx Jxx

p - p - 1D - x
p - 1H - p - 2H
3D - ?

Would have bid 4H at imps without blinking. Looking for any second opinions.

21. Favorable, your RHO opens 1D, you have AQJx xx Q QJ8xxx. Your call?

Partner overcalled 2C, the opponents got to 3D and made 5.

Marshall Miles recommends overcalling 1S, 3C later if necessary. In his book, the example hands for partner always contain a stiff club and 5 card spade support. You know what? He was right!