Saturday, April 23, 2011

BBO 4/23

LHO opens 1C

Ax KTxx AKTx Axx

KQxxxx Axxx xx x

At the table, partner doubled, I bid 4S, and partner bid 6. CK led, Trumps are 4-1 (RHO having four)

I lazily gave up after this start, which is pretty dumb, since it seems very likely we have a red suit squeeze against LHO. Turns out RHO can guard diamonds, oh well. No bad play goes punished.

Can/will you reach 4H? Thoughts regarding south's first call after the takeout double?


  1. What's a jump cue and double jump cue? Is this a reasonable auction?

    (1C) X P 3C
    X 4H P 4S
    P 5N[1] P 6H

    [1] Pick a slam. Are we playing that?

    I think 4S is probably the most reasonable call simply because there aren't enough points in the deck for me to have my hand and LHO to have his hand (as an UPH).

  2. I don't love the double - this hand is within the 15-18 1NT overcall range and has only a doubleton spade. I don't like 4S either, the hand is too good. Splinter or cuebid before bidding 4S.
