Wednesday, July 20, 2011

GNT C Toronto day 1

We have Kx xxxx KTxxx xx, the auction goes
(1H) - x - (p) - 2D
(p) - 3D - (p) - ?

It's important not to look at your hand and think that you only have 6 points. This is an auction where you could be broke, and not only do we have two big cards, we have a 5th trump as well. At the table I tried to come up with some 4144 hands and felt like game was pretty good... if partner is more balanced, he should have more to compensate I think.

A club spot is led against 5D, we get

Kx xxxx KTxxx xx

Club to the Q and K, losing. Heart back to lefty, HQ, HK, (rho follows again, playing hi-lo), ruffed in dummy. If you cash the DA, LHO follows with the J.


You reach 4H on the auction

1C* - 1D*
1N - 2D*
3H - 4H

S4 is led, we get

JTx J987x Jx Qxx
AKx Q65x AQ AJ9x

You put in the J, RHO puts in the Q. Once you decide how to play trumps (I think ducking both hands is right), LHO is going to show up with AKT.

1 comment:

  1. 1) I would probably cross in spades, ruff a heart high, then draw some trump. At this point I should know enough of the distribution to decide which to do next. Options are finessing either black suit or a double squeeze. LHO opened so I like him for the missing black cards, but he passed with AKQTxxx over 2D, so I am suspicious. Good opportunity to ask about their preempt style.

    2) So I play a trump and what happens? I guess LHO wins his top trump while he still has an exit card. So I strip spades and play a small club to the J? Or am I missing something?
