Tuesday, September 20, 2011

San Jose 9/18

One of many that I got wrong on Sunday's NAP qualifier

MPs r/w 7642 Q AJ53 ATxx

(2S) - p - (p) - x
(p) - ?

I didn't want to guess which minor to bid, and I felt like my singleton HQ was very defensive.  I elected to pass.  Zia's advice of "avoid zeroes" crossed my mind, but when else but matchpoints do you make speculative doubles of partials?

Declarer ended up making exactly 2.  I think I did the wrong thing by passing with such bad trumps (we make 4C), but it felt a bit unlucky.  Declarer had a max, dummy had a good hand (10 count, Kx of trumps, a side ace), and we still nearly beat it.  I just needed a bigger diamond SPOT to have nicked it one.  Besides, why shouldn't partner's minors be reversed, and 3C is down a couple while 3D is the one that makes 4?

1 comment:

  1. Does 2NT mean anything (choose a minor?!), and is it red/white or white/red, meaning -1 (100) still loses to 3m making (110)?

    Either way, 2SX making is a disaster, and your trumps are weak...
