Sunday, November 25, 2012

San Francisco 11/24

1st r/w MPs Ax AJxxx xxx Qxx

p (3D) 3S (4D)

Monday, September 10, 2012


In a casual game, my friend got dealt a 46 Yarborough. Nothing higher than a 6.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Santa Clara 9/3 - play 2S

3rd seat

AQT8xx Ax -- 98xxx

p (p) 1S (2C)
2H (p) 2S

Kx JTxxx QJTxx x
AQT8xx Ax --- 98xxx

CK lead, trump shift. If you play small from dummy, RHO plays the 9.

Don't be careless. I was.

Santa Clara 9/3 - play 4H

To recap, I played in the two day pairs, where day 1 was the qual. I played terribly, and we didn't make the cut.

Then we played in a bracketed KO where we asked to be moved up and promptly lost.

So now we are in the final round of the loser loser swiss.

Here's the one thing I did well all weekend.

Kx AQJT7 x JTxxx

1H (3D) 3H (p)
4H (p) p (x)

DQ lead, we see

xxxx 865 Kxx AK9
Kx AQJT7 x JTxxx

I duck the opening lead, and the ace appears on my right. RHO now plays ace and a spade.

I cross to dummy's CA and casually float the H8. LHO shows out. Repeat the finesse.

At this point, I play a club to dummy's K, dropping LHO's Qx! Now, I play the DK to try to induce the ruff, and RHO obliges. Cross back to dummy's C9, pick up trumps, 4Hx+1.

Santa Clara 9/3 - hand 1


AKQxxx -- x AKxxxx

1S 1N
3C 3N
4C 4S

Do you move or give up?

I passed, partner is Jx AQxx QJTxxx x

Got a heart lead, so shed the diamond, ruffed two clubs, and when everything behaved, I made 7. Would you reach 6? The other table did and it takes a very specific defense to beat it, so it seems like a good slam.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

7/25 Palo Alto

QTx Kxx QJxx xxx

Partner deals and open 1D, you bid 1N and buy it

H9 (0 or 2 higher) led

Kxxx Jxx AKxx xx
QTx Kxx QJxx xxx

it goes to the A and the 7 comes back.

In a bout of retardedness I held up, then cashed diamonds, then played a spade toward my Q. RHO thought about it, flew ace, and they cashed out

should've just won HK at T2, diamond up, and spade toward my Q, hoping to take 6 tricks

Thursday, June 14, 2012

San Jose 6/12

Played poorly, but I got this one right

I have the hand record, but I'm too lazy to look it up. I'm not sure what the diamond position is, but the point was that I didn't care.

Friday, May 18, 2012

5/17 casual

1. Whee

At the table, RHO thought for a while and put in the HJ. NO ESCAPE.

2. Another interesting thing, declarer has Txx of trumps in dummy, we are second hand with K97. Declarer played a small one and I just sort of randomly put in the 9.


Declarer put in the J, losing to the Q. At the time, I wondered if i had grosvenored. If I had just played small, I would have a tenace over the T. Declarer did in fact next cash SA, playing me for K9.

He told me afterwards that he was going to finesse the 8, which makes a lot of sense. So I inadvertently found a falsecard?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

5/15 Stanford

1.  AKQJT9x xxx x Kx, second seat

(3C) 3S (5C) passed out

We lead SK, we see


Both declarer and partner contribute the smallest spade spots. Sorry I don't have the exact pips.

Now what?

2. They bid 1H 1S 1N, partner leads S9


1. S9 T J A
2. spade to the K
3. S8, holding (partner and declarer pitch hearts)
4. DA
5. DK
6. DQ, partner pitching a club
7. club to the Q and A

At this point the position is

Partner played a heart to my A. As I idly cashed both spades, I realized declarer might be squeezed! Let's fill in declarer's hand:

He follows to the first heart. Pitches a heart and a club on two spades. And on the DT, he's toast!

I cash the DT. Declarer painlessly discards a small heart. He started with the HK. LAME. THAT'S A 2533 15 COUNT AND OPENS 1NT, COME ON.

Oh I guess the actual hand is also a 15 count 2533 WHATEVER OKAY


Ian Browne:
I don't want no crubs

Chris Chung:
crubs is a suit that can't get no love from me
hanging by the spade suit's reign as the weakest strain, trying to holla at me

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Stanford 5/1 - play 2C

Second seat, J xxx ATxx AJxxx, we get this auction

(1D) p (1H) 1S
(p) 2C

LHO leads D8

Qxxxx QTx KQx Qx
J xxx ATxx AJxxx

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

4/30 casual - play 4S

You reach 4S on the delicate auction

1S 1N
2H 2N

LHO (someone whom you respect) leads DA

xx Qxx KQT AT9xx
AQ9xxx AKJT xx x

LHO shifts to a high club spot.

Plan the play.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

BBO 4/7 - I tried

Third seat, we reach 3C on the auction

p - p - 1N - 2H
2N - p - 3C

SA led



1. West cashes SA
2. West cashes SK
3. West plays S8, all following

Been a while since I've seen this theme.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3/27 - missed a few squeezes

2H p 2N x
3D p 3H

D4 led

AJ9 AQx A987x J9
xx KJxxxx JTx xx

1. diamond won by E's Q
2. CK cashed
3. CA won by west
4. small spade, won by dummy's ace

J9 AQx A987 --
x KJxxxx Jx --

On the second hand, I was declaring 3N. Defense took two tricks, then I claimed the balance. A recount of my top tricks showed that I only had 10. Then I asked, "Red suit squeeze?" The squeeze was on. How many tricks am I entitled to?

Monday, March 19, 2012

3/18 casual: play 3N

1N 2H
2S 3D

DQ led

KJxxx Q Axxx xxx
Ax KJxx xx AQJxx

You duck the diamond, overtaken by RHO's K. RHO continues another high diamond. It looks like they are 5-2.

You win the 2nd round in dummy, then take a winning club finesse. Now what?

Monday, March 5, 2012

1/5 from a friend - declare 6N

You reach 6N

AK92 76 K43 T952
75 AKQT A86 AKQ8

LHO leads the DJ

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stanford 2/14

We have xxx Qxx A63 Axxx. RHO deals and opens 1S. I doubled for fun (yes it's retarded but I was bored)

(1S) - x - (xx) - 2D
(3C) - p - (3N)

Partner leads the D5.

---------- hand)

D5 Q A 2
D6 8 T Hx
H2 9 Q A
Cx x x A

Now what?


Perhaps I was supposed to duck clubs until partner could discard. Sorry, I wasn't looking at the club spot. Damn, maybe that was the answer.

No, if partner pitches a diamond we may not have enough tricks to beat it. I think partner's club spot has to be suit preference!!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

a very interesting ending

Spades are trump, the end position is that dummy has a trump and a master diamond (the beer) and my hand has a trump and a small diamond.

Opponents are void in both spades in diamonds. On the 12th trick, my LHO is in, and in order to score the beer, I had to ruff and ruff.

Maybe it isn't that interesting to you, but I was the one who beered.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Monterey 1/5 - Pretend you're filling in

w/r partner opens 2N, you have -- QJ7x xxx KJTxxx

2N - (3S) - 4H - (4S)
x - (p) - ?

Yes, you bid 4H. Now what?

Monterey 1/5 - Whose hand?

Matchpoints r/w, RHO deals and opens 3D.

We have 8 AKJ86 9 KJT754

You do not play non leaping Michaels. What's your call? I chose 3H.

(3D) - 3H - (4S) - p
(p) - ?

Now what?

Monterey 1/5 - How many clubs?

Matchpoints, r/w LHO deals

5 83 A6 AKJT8654

(p) - 1H - (1S) - 2C
(4S) - p - (p) - ?

Monterey 1/5 - I suck

I did something absolutely awful here

Partner deals, r/r

1C - (2H) - p - (3H)
all pass

Your lead from 9642 76 J975 AQ6?

I waffled between a trump and a spade. I ended up leading a trump.

----------- hand)

First trick goes 6 Q K A. Great, it's not clear he has a fast entry to dummy for the heart finesse.

Declarer plays D3, 5 Q A. Partner cashes SA then SK. I followed the 9 and then the... 6!

Now we lost our spade ruff because my spade should be suit preference, showing partner where my entry is. I allowed 3H to make 4.


Monterey 1/5 - declare 4S

Matchpoints, you bid uncontested 1S - 1N - 3S - 4S

D4 led



First trick goes 4 3 T Q.

Monterey 1/5 - defend 4S

Matchpoints, w/w RHO deals and opens 1S

We have 8 94 J76543 K974. Do you act?

At the table, opponents bid uncontested 1S - 2S - 4S

I led D6 (3rd/low)

---------- hand)

First trick goes 6 8 Q A.
Declarer cashes SA, SK, and plays a third spade. Partner started with QT7. We pitch D3 D4.

Partner now leads the CT - 2 - K - 6.

The position is:


Now what? To recap, you have won the SQ and the CK.

Monterey 1/5 - Take all your chan... oops

Matchpoints, r/r partner deals, we hold AQ863 9876 92 64

1C - (p) - 1S - (2D)
4D - (p) - 4S

DA led



The first trick goes A T 7 9.
LHO shifts to the H3.