Friday, January 6, 2012

Monterey 1/5 - I suck

I did something absolutely awful here

Partner deals, r/r

1C - (2H) - p - (3H)
all pass

Your lead from 9642 76 J975 AQ6?

I waffled between a trump and a spade. I ended up leading a trump.

----------- hand)

First trick goes 6 Q K A. Great, it's not clear he has a fast entry to dummy for the heart finesse.

Declarer plays D3, 5 Q A. Partner cashes SA then SK. I followed the 9 and then the... 6!

Now we lost our spade ruff because my spade should be suit preference, showing partner where my entry is. I allowed 3H to make 4.


1 comment:

  1. Re making an unfortunate lead, Oscar Hammerstein once wrote: "Never have I asked an August sky, 'Where has last July gone?'" Nuff said. And yes, the S2 (suit preference) would have been better at trick 4.
