Wow, what a frustrating day. We played in the second lowest bracket and mostly got our clock cleaned. Ted and I just sat there and watched them do it to us. They would get to untouchable partscores or games (sometimes crazily), and the best we could hope for was a push. Of course, I did some unspeakably bad things (I always make at least one goof that I'm sure convinces people that I don't know how to play bridge at all.) It always seems to be against people who know me too.
I want to feel good about myself right now, so I'll post this. I ran a squeeze here after the defense did something crazy.
Yes, the opponents were mostly like this. I'm so ashamed.
Here's a genuine problem I had. You hold QJT98 xxx AKTx x. Partner opens 1C, you bid 1S, partner splinters 4D. Now what?
The hands are:
A76x AQxx x AKxx
QJT98 xxx AKTx x
We missed a pretty good slam here. I didn't like AKTx of diamonds, but it's better than AKx. It's on one of two finesses, and the 76 of trump in dummy is monumental in helping to ruff two diamonds.
Looking at it again though, if Ted had AQJx of clubs (and let's say not 76 of trump), things can get ugly. Now I need 2 of 3 finesses to come off, and I need to not get overruffed as I try to get rid of my diamonds. What would you do over 4D?
I have some hands from earlier in the week to write up; I'll do it soon.
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Nice awareness on the squeeze. As for struggling in the sectional, well I have yet to ever do well in a sectional. The level of competition is higher than most club games, and pretty much every online game.
ReplyDeleteAs for bidding over 4D, I think I'll make a try for slam. Nothing is guaranteed, as if partner holds AKxx KQxx x KQJx the 5 level might not be safe. You need partner to have controls, so that he can discard a loser on your KD. It's a tough call, for sure, as there are lots of ways for slam to make, and lots more where it has no chance.