Saturday, January 30, 2010

Palo Alto 1/30

Few hands from tonight. I have 2 other days left to post...


First of all, can you reach 6D? It's scary on a spade lead, but it seems to be a good contract.

I got to 3N, got the H6 lead. I took an "unnatural" finesse in diamonds, toward the short hand. Clearly this loses, but I feel like Qxx on my right is better than Qxx(x) on my left given the lead. This was a terrible score, with a lot of the field making 490. Is it that much better to finesse toward the long hand, or did people just not think about it?


Can you bid this? I almost blasted 6 over 4. Of course, on a bad (normal?) day, it goes HA and a ruff.


This one feels straight out of a book.

Of course, I failed to ruff the SQ. Partner commented on this after the hand (I didn't even notice a trump promotion was in the making), and I replied, "Oh! Then you should lead a small spade!"

I'm not posting this here to blame my partner; in fact, I should be able to figure out that it costs nothing to ruff, but I think it really is instructive.


  1. 2. hearts rate to be 5/3 on average by the lead, so your play looks good. However, if you'd tested clubs first, you'd have gotten an even better clue, and gotten it right.

    Interestingly, you can't test clubs in 5D but you can in 3NT>

    4. Really think you can't bid past 5. On a really bad day, south has the heart ace, and north the club ace, and maybe you're down 1 in 5.

  2. If I test clubs first, I lose communication.
