Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Palo Alto 12/9

Bad night, but there are some interesting hands.


I got to this end position and failed to play off all the spades, endplaying RHO. I don't know what it is, I have a very difficult time seeing endplays in NT. I mean, I was watching the hearts, so I know they can't cash any when they get in. It doesn't cost anything to try... if the spades break really poorly, I can just cash out.

10. This feels like a "How To Read Your Opponent's Cards" problem.

You can see that I rejected trying to pick up the spade suit, because I'm not sure how many entries I have to dummy, and even then have to guess what layout to play for (Kxx, Kx, KTxx)... and basically it was too complicated.

LHO helped me by splitting her honors in hearts, and I picked up the spades on the way back. When LHO led a diamond, I decided RHO was less likely to have the ace, because that means he passed with AKK and a stiff. Wrong. Oh well. Maybe I should've played LHO to have balanced with the diamond ace if she had it. Though her hand looks like a balance as it is anyway. When you're clutching at straws...


What do you think of the auction? South's initial pass? North's pass of 2S? South's pass of 2S? This one earned us a 0 for not even competing in the reds. If I had to ATB, I would assign 100% to both.

1 comment:

  1. 10 - west is the interesting hand, as he failed to balance, despite a SINGLETON IN YOUR TRUMP SUIT. Following the "borrow a king" principle, he started with less than 9HCP, and you've already seen 5.

    It's always going to be tougher to evaluate what the guy with 4 of your trumps was doing, especially when they're red.

    16 - North has to speak. 3D probably assures you of a better result.

    I'm ok with south's initial pass, but at favourable? Tough call. 3h should be fairly safe, based on the law and the bidding. I guess if you really trust partner and really don't trust opponents, you pass and assume they've massively underbid.
