Sunday, November 29, 2009


Bid one more?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Palo Alto 11/25

Well, it was the day before Thanksgiving, and we combined the 299er with the open at the club. This means that the results would have been pretty random, and Ted and I seem to have gotten the best of it, coming in first with a big score.


Can you get to 6H intelligently? We just went 2C - 2D - 2N - 3H - 3S - 4H - 6H.


I basically played this one double dummy, but honestly I wasn't sure what line to take. If LHO is 2155, then drawing 3 rounds of trump and then playing on hearts secures the contract.

If LHO is 1255, then if you decide to play the top three spades, you have to drive the 4th spade before playing on hearts. Otherwise, RHO can ruff the 4th round of hearts, and your 5th heart is stranded.

I started a big spade, crossed to dummy with a heart, and led the spade 9. I planned to finesse it, but RHO saved me the trouble and covered. If LHO played a heart honor when I crossed, then I'd play him for 2155.



Somebody help me :((

Update: Neil set me straight on why I have to fly the ace. Thanks Neil!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Quicktricks 11/23

I did a lot of things wrong, but I'll share the less embarrassing and more interesting hand.

Matchpoints. Follow the play and then decide what you do when you get in with the HK. You play upside down count and attitude.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Oakland Sectional 11/22

First a bidding problem.

Can you get to 6S on these cards?

The next one is sort of a play problem, but not really because the club is onside in reality. It's just an interesting endplay I first saw a year ago and has kinda stuck with me since.

Let's say they cash two clubs and exit a heart. Strip the hand, and then play ace and a diamond. West is legitimately endplayed if he started with Kx or Qx, and there are other possibilities where the defense fails to unblock.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Palo Alto 11/18

The usual overbidding.

J6543 x KQxx JT8

(2H) - 3C - (3H) - 3S
(p) - 4S - (5H) - ...double

Dummy was AKxx Axxxx x Qxx.

Well, they could've doubled us in 4S. Then we would've gotten a 0 instead of a 1. Next time I'll pass 3H like a normal person, that'll teach em.

Monday, November 16, 2009

BBO 11/4

A common defensive theme that I really hate.

Basically declarer steals a heart trick and it's all over. The lead was a 4th best diamond, I cashed the king and ace. At this point I shifted to a trump, trying not to give anything away.

How can west know to fly the ace? Am I supposed to lead back the HQ at T3?

Oh yeah, declarer also misplayed and let me in when I could've just led a third trump and beaten it. Then, I followed suit and misplayed by not leading it. But never mind, let's assume declarer ruffs two diamonds before the defense can draw trumps.

Thinking about it now, I guess there's no real reason to duck the ace. The reason we duck aces is because we don't want to grant declarer extra tricks in the suit. But in this case, we have no slow club tricks that we can pick up. Dummy has KQx of clubs, so the extra heart tricks that we may be allowing declarer won't help him.

It just feels like an automatic play to duck the ace.

BBO 11/15

Here's one my partner played well.

It looks like we're losing 2 hearts, 1 diamond, possibly 2 clubs, and possibly 1 spade. The 2-2 spade break solves the spade loser, so my partner stripped the hand and threw them in with a heart. A double finesse in clubs would have worked here, but this guards against south holding both the KQ of clubs.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

BBO 11/15

This one is just silliness.

The auction goes

1C - 1S
2N - 4C
4N - 6C

Partner thought 4C was a slam try with clubs. I thought it was Gerber.

I answered aces, partner thought it was Blackwood. Partner bid slam with a void and a keycard, making.

Who needs agreements?

Casual 11/13

You have T98xxx xx AQJx x. Partner deals and it goes 1C - 3H.

Your bid?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

BBO 11/12

Okay I opened 3D on this junk: Qx xx QJxxxxx Kx

Partner bids 3H. Now what?

The hands are

x Axxxx AK AQxxx
Qx xx QJxxxxx Kx

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

BBO 11/10

A positional squeeze on west.