Tuesday, August 30, 2011

San Jose 8/29

w/r 2nd seat


p - 2S - 2N - 4S
all pass

Sorry if you don't like the second seat preempt, but the play's the thing.

HA led, H3 continued. RHO will follow the H2 to the first trick.



This is a weak club game. On the previous board, my partner asked what their carding agreement was and they weren't able to answer.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Palo Alto 8/17

Bad game.

Here's an interesting one.

We have AKJx -- Txx KQxxxx, 2nd seat r/w

(1H) - 1S* - (4H) - 4S
(x) - all pass

* Channeling Marshall Miles. You know what, from my sample size of 3, he has been right 3 times.

HJ led

98765 Q98 Axx xx
AKJx -- xxx KQxxxx

I think the correct line is to ruff trick 1, play CK (there's no way we're going to be able to lead up to it twice anyway), LHO wins CA (offside anyway!). Heart continued and ruffed, then cash CQ. Third club, ruff and overruffed by RHO.

Now we have
9876 Q Axx --
AK -- xxx xxx

When RHO plays a third heart, pitch a diamond loser instead of ruffing. Now they are helpless. You can take the heart force in dummy instead of your own hand. They play a diamond, you win, draw trumps in 2 (RHO was the trump length, which you would expect on this auction), and cash clubs.

I think it takes a diamond shift before clubs are established to beat it. Needless to say, I butchered it. Even -1 would net a great score.

I did well to overcall the 4 card spade suit. Unfortunately, the operation was a success, but I am a terrible declarer. I think that's how the saying goes.

Marshall is 4/4!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Stanford 8/4

A simple one.

We deal and have T AQxxx AQ7x Kxx.

1H - (2C) - 2H - (p)
p - (3C) - all pass

Partner leads the DT, we get

------ void

The diamond is obviously singleton. Before giving the diamond ruff though, we need to lead a spade. Partner might not have an entry outside, and since we have Kxx of clubs, we know we can win the second round of clubs, give a diamond ruff and receive a spade ruff in return. 2 aces, CK, and 2 ruffs for -1.