Monday, April 25, 2011

casual game 4/24

Well it finally happened.

Dummy has a heart suit of AJTxx with no side entries. I have Qxx in front of dummy.

Declarer leads a small heart up, I insert the Q, declarer plays the A and partner follows........ the K.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

BBO 4/23

LHO opens 1C

Ax KTxx AKTx Axx

KQxxxx Axxx xx x

At the table, partner doubled, I bid 4S, and partner bid 6. CK led, Trumps are 4-1 (RHO having four)

I lazily gave up after this start, which is pretty dumb, since it seems very likely we have a red suit squeeze against LHO. Turns out RHO can guard diamonds, oh well. No bad play goes punished.

Can/will you reach 4H? Thoughts regarding south's first call after the takeout double?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

from a friend

MPs, you open 1H in third and partner raises to 3H

542 KQJ7 A83 J87
A6 AT853 T95 K63

C4 to the A
C5 back

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Stanford 4/19

Need a line.

AT94 AKQx KT7 Jx
x JT9 A9865 AKTx

Your auction was
1C* - 2D
2H** - 3C
3D - 3H
3S - 4C

* strong
** balanced

They lead a small diamond.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

from BBF

There's a 100% line, but it took me a very long time to see it (there's a specific reason for that too, aside from because I suck.)

LHO opens 1H, you declare 4S. LHO leads a trump.



Tuesday, April 5, 2011

GNT Open 4/2

A hand I defended from the GNT open

We are in second with AJ543 53 A942 87

The auction goes

(1C) - 1S - (1N) - 3C*
(3N) all pass
*4 card support, 6-9 HCP

Partner leads the S2, we see


You win the SA. Now what?