Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Stanford 12/7

I reached 3N on these cards yesterday after RHO preempted 3H

Axx Kx xxxx Axxx

K Axxx AQTxx KQx

On a spade lead, I won the SK, then lay down DA (J falling from RHO), then DQ. LHO won the DK, then continued spades. I won the A, shedding a heart, then cashed HK, HA, then all the diamonds, leaving this position:

x --- --- Axxx
--- x x KQx

On the final diamond, if LHO has 6 spades and 4 clubs, she's squeezed. Meanwhile, if RHO has 6 hearts and 4 clubs, he's squeezed. I don't even have to read the position. I think my friend told me this is known as a simple-as-double squeeze.

Our auction was 1D* - (3H) - 3N. What would you bid after 3H? If you're not strong enough to bid more than 3N, add a queen to your hand or something.

*11-15(16), 2+ diamonds. If balanced, 11-13.