Wednesday, December 14, 2011

from a friend

You reach 4H.

SJ led, RHO follows 3

2 Q7 AKJT2 AT652
AK7 KT6432 53 82

home game 12/13

We have JTxx AK8 K98x T9. Partner deals and opens 1C

1C - (1H) - x - (1S)
2C - (p) - 2N - (p)

H4 led

Q9 JT9 Qxx AKQxx
JTxx AK8 K98x T9

RHO plays a low one.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

home game 12/13

Partner deals, your side bids uncontested

1D 1S
2S 4S

HQ led

AQx K QJ87x QT87

J87xx Axx K9x Ax

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Stanford 12/6

r/w, I deal and hold x 932 KQ65 AKJxx.

1D - 1S - x - 4S
p - p - 5D - all pass

K AKJ4 A9872 xxx
x 932 KQ65 AKJxx

3rd/low H7 led.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Stanford 11/8

QTxx AT xxx Kxxx
AKxxxx Jx Axx Jx

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

San Jose 9/18

One of many that I got wrong on Sunday's NAP qualifier

MPs r/w 7642 Q AJ53 ATxx

(2S) - p - (p) - x
(p) - ?

I didn't want to guess which minor to bid, and I felt like my singleton HQ was very defensive.  I elected to pass.  Zia's advice of "avoid zeroes" crossed my mind, but when else but matchpoints do you make speculative doubles of partials?

Declarer ended up making exactly 2.  I think I did the wrong thing by passing with such bad trumps (we make 4C), but it felt a bit unlucky.  Declarer had a max, dummy had a good hand (10 count, Kx of trumps, a side ace), and we still nearly beat it.  I just needed a bigger diamond SPOT to have nicked it one.  Besides, why shouldn't partner's minors be reversed, and 3C is down a couple while 3D is the one that makes 4?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

BBO 9/10

Here's a hand I really really butchered
We are w/r in 4th, holding x Jx T87x AKQ8xx

(1H) - p - (1S) - 3C
(3S) - 5C - (x)

The lead is the HK, we see



The HK holds, then LHO shifts to the SK. We win the spade, ruff a spade big, cross to dummy in trumps, ruff a spade big, cross to dummy in trumps, ruff a spade big. LHO showed up with 3 spades and 2 clubs.



I exited the HJ at this point. LHO wins and tables the DQ.

If LHO is 3532, we have to guess the suit properly. If he led from QJ, we have to duck this trick and freeze the suit. If he led from Q9x, then we have to cover and put in the T on the way back. These were my thoughts anyway... what honors has he shown up with...?  Wait a minute, this is stupid!

The opponents have 9 hearts... there's no way hearts are 5-4. Hearts must be 6-3 for this auction to make any sense. Therefore, LHO must be 3622, and now we just cover the DQ. When RHO wins the A and tables another diamond, we put in the T, not caring at all if it loses. LHO will be endplayed and be forced to give us a ruff sluff. What's more, finding the DQ lead from a non honor sequence is difficult. I would not and should not give someone this much credit.

I ended up losing 3 diamonds and 2 hearts for -500... a good save against 620, but not as good as 300 (Duh).

I hate that I don't pay any attention on BBO, butcher a hand, and then get upset about it. I should strive to play my best, always.  What a poor excuse.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Santa Clara Regional 9/5

Played in the Open Swiss today.

We got STEAMROLLED by Balicki and Zmudzinski in round 2. I didn't play against them... I sat in Balicki's seat. That is some frightening stuff. I came back to the table and felt like I got my entry fee's worth when I asked my teammates how he declared.

Balicki declares this contract in 4S... I don't know the auction, but RHO has overcalled diamonds probably at the 2 level and LHO raised.

Axx AQx Jxx xxxx
KQTxx JT9x --- KJ9x

1. diamond led, ruffed
2. heart to the Q and K
3. diamond led, ruffed
4. small club out of hand, dropping the stiff ace (!!!)
5. diamond led, ruffed
Now dummy is reversed and Balicki can play 2 top spades, cross to the HA, draw the final trump (pitching a club), and cash 10 tricks. Godlike.

Here's a defensive problem I had. Opponents bid 1N 3N, we're on lead. I have Qxx Axx xxx JTxx. I elect to lead a 4th best club.

------- hand)

First trick goes x x K A. Declarer now plays SA and a spade to the J, losing to our Q. Partner played lo-hi in spades (upside down count). What now?

It looks like declarer started with KJxxx of spades, so 4 spade tricks. He's marked with CAQ, so he's up to 6 tricks. DA is 7. I decided to play declarer to have the CAQ tight and to have to set up two heart tricks, so I led a second low club, dropping declarer's CQ to my delight! Declarer then showed up with the DK and had 9 tricks already.

Can I get this right? If I'm truly playing declarer to have a doubleton club, then partner will always have a third club to reach me. Can I afford to cash the HA to get partner's signal? But if I'm playing for the hand above, cashing the HA loses the tempo to beat this hand. What's more, partner will encourage with any holding with the K... but it's not enough. He has to have KQxx if declarer has the DK. That's what actually happened on this hand. We have 4 heart cashers we never got.

Update: I spoke with a friend... a small heart is interesting. If declarer has nothing in hearts, it will beat it outright. If declarer has HHx in hearts, when partner wins his presumed DK, he can push a heart through. Declarer will go down unless he reads the heart position and blocks it. Or declarer could have even two hearts! Then a heart is an easy beat.

I'm not liking my defense now, but at least it wasn't a zero defense. If declarer is KJTxx HHT/HH9 Jxx AQ my defense is necessary, just wildly antipercentage. Oh well.

We actually did pretty well, enough to win 2nd in X, 4th/6th overall.

I also Lightner doubled again. Got my ruff, then declarer wrapped it up. 0/3 so far. It only cost one imp (teammates did not reach it.) Oh well, it's a price I'm willing to continue paying.

Edit: I gave the 3N defense hand to Steph. She led a heart at T1. Easy game.

Santa Clara Regional 9/4


You relay your way into 6S, partner showing 3523



diamond is led to the A, diamond returned

Amazingly, on a 12 top, reaching and making this 29 point slam is a 6.5 in a side pairs game.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

San Jose 8/29

w/r 2nd seat


p - 2S - 2N - 4S
all pass

Sorry if you don't like the second seat preempt, but the play's the thing.

HA led, H3 continued. RHO will follow the H2 to the first trick.



This is a weak club game. On the previous board, my partner asked what their carding agreement was and they weren't able to answer.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Palo Alto 8/17

Bad game.

Here's an interesting one.

We have AKJx -- Txx KQxxxx, 2nd seat r/w

(1H) - 1S* - (4H) - 4S
(x) - all pass

* Channeling Marshall Miles. You know what, from my sample size of 3, he has been right 3 times.

HJ led

98765 Q98 Axx xx
AKJx -- xxx KQxxxx

I think the correct line is to ruff trick 1, play CK (there's no way we're going to be able to lead up to it twice anyway), LHO wins CA (offside anyway!). Heart continued and ruffed, then cash CQ. Third club, ruff and overruffed by RHO.

Now we have
9876 Q Axx --
AK -- xxx xxx

When RHO plays a third heart, pitch a diamond loser instead of ruffing. Now they are helpless. You can take the heart force in dummy instead of your own hand. They play a diamond, you win, draw trumps in 2 (RHO was the trump length, which you would expect on this auction), and cash clubs.

I think it takes a diamond shift before clubs are established to beat it. Needless to say, I butchered it. Even -1 would net a great score.

I did well to overcall the 4 card spade suit. Unfortunately, the operation was a success, but I am a terrible declarer. I think that's how the saying goes.

Marshall is 4/4!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Stanford 8/4

A simple one.

We deal and have T AQxxx AQ7x Kxx.

1H - (2C) - 2H - (p)
p - (3C) - all pass

Partner leads the DT, we get

------ void

The diamond is obviously singleton. Before giving the diamond ruff though, we need to lead a spade. Partner might not have an entry outside, and since we have Kxx of clubs, we know we can win the second round of clubs, give a diamond ruff and receive a spade ruff in return. 2 aces, CK, and 2 ruffs for -1.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Toronto summary

Two sentence summary:

I came to win GNT C and the micro Spingold. What I got was a comb, a pen, and some maple syrup.

Other amusing things:

It finally happened. I overcalled a suit where the opponents had game (it was ALMOST slam).

RHO opens 1D, limited and unbalanced, does not promise diamonds. I hold xxxxx AK AQxxx x. I overcall 1S, the opps subside in 3C. Their hands:

AKJ9x x KTxx xxx
QT xxxx -- AKJxxxx

Unfortunately I can start a tap in hearts and shorten the long hand if they play spades. Lame. I'll have 4 small next time.

Partner opens 2C and rebids 2N with AKJ9 AJx AKJxx K. I boost to 3N with Txxx KQx xxxxx x. (Yes, that's right, we have K opp x in clubs.) One club underlead later, we wrap up 13 tricks for +520.

Helen recalls a story where she was partnering me. I don't remember it, but she claims I psyched 1NT, and she bid garbage Stayman. Garbage NT and garbage Stayman. Good system.

Helen also walked all over me, literally. While eating a banana.

Canada's buildings do not have a 13th or 14th floor.

The girls in this city are REALLY REALLY PRETTY.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Toronto 7/26

You reach 4H on this auction

1C - (1S) - x - (3S)
p - (p) - x

xx Txxx KQxx AK8
Jx AKJx Axx Jxxx

SA led by LHO, spade continuation to RHO's K, then a trump switch.

No, we did not hold these cards. I wonder if I would have been able to sit for 3Sx.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Toronto 7/24

4S (don't ask)

QT62 J5 KJ5 AJ74
AKJ54 K63 64 962

LHO starts by leading a heart to RHO's ace. The HQ is continued, I win and cash a top trump. I lead a diamond up, LHO puts in the queen! RHO wins the A and returns another diamond, LHO following.

At this point I have

QT6 -- 5 AJ74
KJ54 6 -- 962

I have to hold my club losers to one. I can either play for the CKQ onside, which is extremely unlikely given the lead. The only other way I can see to make this is to find spades 2-2, ruff out the red suits, cash CA, and endplay the opponent who started with Hx of clubs.

To make this harder on them, I started by cashing the CA immediately. I just saw LHO go in the Q from Q-nothing in the diamond suit! I don't want her to inadvertently do the right thing in clubs. Spades break 2-2, I ruff out the red suits, and exit a club, hoping, praying. LHO now cashes the CKQ.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Toronto 7/23

1) You reach 4H on the auction

1C* - (1D) - x*
1S - (2D) - 2H
3C - 3H

xx JT876x Axx xx

LHO leads a small diamond spot, it looks like they are 3-6.

Update: This 4H is my favorite hand from the tournament.

2) Bidding and play.
T7532 xx KQ85 Ax
AK4 AJx Axx Qxxx

Via a relay, south finds out that north holds exactly 5242. Which game contract would you prefer to play?

Right or wrong (wrong), I chose 3NT.

4th best heart is led, there are 2 missing spots underneath it. RHO inserts the K.

Your play.

Friday, July 22, 2011

the spot card coup

Well we lost today. This is the only thing that made me happy.

I have a suit combo of AQ8x opp K9x. I start the A, LHO follows small, partner reaches for a spot but I interrupt and call for the 9. RHO was about to follow, but upon seeing the 9, changes his card to the T.

Now he thinks he's on lead and tries to play a card. It becomes a penalty card. I play low to the K and finesse the 8 on the way back to pick up the original JTxx on my right.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

GNT C Toronto day 2

We get KJxx AJx AQ AKQx. Partner opens 1D (could be two.)

1D - 1S
1N - 2D
2S - 2N
3C - 4C
4D - 4N
5C - 5N
6H - ?

Partner showed the CA, HK, DK. Partner is 3244 or 3235 or 3325.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

GNT C Toronto day 1

We have Kx xxxx KTxxx xx, the auction goes
(1H) - x - (p) - 2D
(p) - 3D - (p) - ?

It's important not to look at your hand and think that you only have 6 points. This is an auction where you could be broke, and not only do we have two big cards, we have a 5th trump as well. At the table I tried to come up with some 4144 hands and felt like game was pretty good... if partner is more balanced, he should have more to compensate I think.

A club spot is led against 5D, we get

Kx xxxx KTxxx xx

Club to the Q and K, losing. Heart back to lefty, HQ, HK, (rho follows again, playing hi-lo), ruffed in dummy. If you cash the DA, LHO follows with the J.


You reach 4H on the auction

1C* - 1D*
1N - 2D*
3H - 4H

S4 is led, we get

JTx J987x Jx Qxx
AKx Q65x AQ AJ9x

You put in the J, RHO puts in the Q. Once you decide how to play trumps (I think ducking both hands is right), LHO is going to show up with AKT.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Santa Clara 7/14

Got pushed around on these two boards.

Qxxxx x Axxx Kxx
AKT9xx Jx Jx Axx

p - p - p - 1S
x - 4S - 5H - all pass

ATx QJxx xxx Qxx
K KT9xxx Ax KJTx

1H - p - 2H - 2S
4H - 4S - all pass

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Declarer is in 3H


How do you cash out in the right order?

Monday, June 27, 2011

6/25 one more

I have K97 Kxx xx AQJxx

RHO deals, the auction goes

(1H) - p - (2N)* - 3S**
(p) - p - (4D) - p
(4H) all pass

*4 card GF raise
** When 2N got around to partner, I said to him, "do something destructive."

I choose to lead the SK, in case I need to hold the lead for some reason. Yes, I don't really have a reason to hold the lead since I probably want a club through. But look! We get


The first trick goes K Q J A! Declarer ruffs a spade in dummy and calls for the DK. Partner covers, declarer ruffs. Declarer ruffs another spade in dummy as I follow for the third time. He comments on how I have so many spades.

Declarer plays DQ, shedding a spade. My jaw drops, and I look at partner. At this point, I really should have asked who had the 5th spade. Sigh, it's hard to be witty in tempo. Declarer plays another top diamond, shedding a club, and I ruff. The position is


It seems like declarer is 4504. I felt like I was stuck at this point, but then I realized the solution. We have to exit a trump. By sacrificing our trump trick, we can get 3 club tricks in return for off 1. (Okay yes, declarer can win a trump, draw a trump, then if he has the KTx of clubs, he can exit the T. If he does this, hold your cards back next time, or play in a weaker game.)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

some from 6/25

By drinking half a bottle of wine, I discovered that I had much more than just half a bottle at a friend's wedding.

In other news...

p - (4S) - all out

Partner leads the H6 (3rd/low)


You win the A, declarer follows the 4.
I thought about it for a while and shifted to a diamond, which is necessary. It really wasn't that hard, but I'm still glad I got it right. This was a game swing, since the other table did not beat it (the player in my seat tried to prevent a swing by preempting my hand, since I am known to be extremely wild. This got his partner off to the CA lead.)

They bid 2C 2D; 2H 2N; 3N

I lead DT, we see


Partner won the DK and returned a diamond. Both defenders can see 8 tricks for declarer, so the only hope is that if declarer does have a 9th trick, he can't reach it. We (west) know declarer has the DQ, so we must never touch the suit again.

Declarer plays a club to the Q, I win the K. I exit a club. Declarer ducks to partner's CJ, and partner exits a heart.

Declarer cashes all his winners, and I pitch all my diamonds at my earliest opportunity to clarify the diamond position. Declarer plays SA and another. Partner ducks smoothly in case declarer has another QT guess, but it's all over. We managed to hold declarer to the 8 tricks we saw in dummy.

I think I could have done better by clarifying the diamond position at trick 2. I'm not sure which card would attempt to make it unambiguous for partner, maybe the 9? In any case, I followed with my smallest diamond which can't be right. Thankfully partner held the SK (instead of us) so he knew there was no hurry. I admit that I was rather wined up by this point and didn't really think about the defense until trick 3. Then again, if I held KQ of spades, maybe I would have been more alert to try to play a revealing diamond at T2.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Stanford 6/15

KJxxx x JT9876 J
A AKx xx AKT98xx

South deals.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

BBO 6/13

You reach 4S on the auction
1S - 2S
3C - 4S
with both opponents being passed hands (you opened in 4th).

ST is led



Trumps break 3-2, LHO having 2.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

San Francisco 6/12

IMPs, they bid 1H - 2D - 3N - 4H

Partner leads the S2 (3rd and low), we get


Friday, June 3, 2011

BBO 6/3

They merrimac'd my partner's beer. I choked on my wine when it happened.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

5/26 BBO

K762 opp J984 for 2 tricks

It's not terribly interesting, but plugging it into suitplay was surprising

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stanford 5/25

6H, trump lead

Kxx KTx Txx AJxx

Axx AQJxxx AK Tx

The best I can do is...
1, 2, 3: hearts (they're 1-3)
4: run the club ten, duck if covered
5, 6: club ace, ruff a club
7, 8: top diamonds
9: heart (pitch a diamond)

Kxx --- --- J
Axx x --- ---

Cash the final heart and pitch a spade.

This works if LHO has both club honors and fails to cover, if LHO has Hxxx, or if either defender has HHx. It also works when either defender holds 5 spades and 4 clubs. (Update: Oh, I guess it doesn't work when LHO has Hxxx. I was thinking he has a mandatory cover if we lead the T, but if we are never planning to repeat the finesse, then he's okay to duck.)

Is there something better? For some reason, I can't seem to get a double squeeze to operate (assume if you duck a club, they don't destroy communications by returning a club.) I'm going to study up.

If I've misanalyzed, that is par for the course. Please see the subtitle of the blog.

Update: Oh I was just glancing back, why duck the club if covered? Win CA, diamond back, then club up. We can still duck now.

Friday, May 20, 2011

casual game 5/19

1C* - (4H) - 6N

heart led

KJT9xx A xx AKxx
A8 Kxx AKT9x xxx

RHO follows the HQ. You lead a spade to the A, RHO pitches the HT. You knock out the SQ however you want, RHO pitches two more hearts. LHO plays a second (lower) heart, you win the K.

Update: A friend points out a more better line. So rewind to trick 1.

Monday, April 25, 2011

casual game 4/24

Well it finally happened.

Dummy has a heart suit of AJTxx with no side entries. I have Qxx in front of dummy.

Declarer leads a small heart up, I insert the Q, declarer plays the A and partner follows........ the K.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

BBO 4/23

LHO opens 1C

Ax KTxx AKTx Axx

KQxxxx Axxx xx x

At the table, partner doubled, I bid 4S, and partner bid 6. CK led, Trumps are 4-1 (RHO having four)

I lazily gave up after this start, which is pretty dumb, since it seems very likely we have a red suit squeeze against LHO. Turns out RHO can guard diamonds, oh well. No bad play goes punished.

Can/will you reach 4H? Thoughts regarding south's first call after the takeout double?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

from a friend

MPs, you open 1H in third and partner raises to 3H

542 KQJ7 A83 J87
A6 AT853 T95 K63

C4 to the A
C5 back

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Stanford 4/19

Need a line.

AT94 AKQx KT7 Jx
x JT9 A9865 AKTx

Your auction was
1C* - 2D
2H** - 3C
3D - 3H
3S - 4C

* strong
** balanced

They lead a small diamond.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

from BBF

There's a 100% line, but it took me a very long time to see it (there's a specific reason for that too, aside from because I suck.)

LHO opens 1H, you declare 4S. LHO leads a trump.



Tuesday, April 5, 2011

GNT Open 4/2

A hand I defended from the GNT open

We are in second with AJ543 53 A942 87

The auction goes

(1C) - 1S - (1N) - 3C*
(3N) all pass
*4 card support, 6-9 HCP

Partner leads the S2, we see


You win the SA. Now what?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Santa Rosa sectional 3/26 (part 2)

We are in fourth, they bid 1S - 1N (non forcing, so 6-10)

I chose to lead the DT, we see


The first trick goes T 6 5 J. We signal upside-down.
Declarer cashes the HA, then leads a heart toward the Q. I shed a spade, which will cost if declarer has Jx, but nothing appeals. Partner wins the Q with the K, and returns the 3 of diamonds. This is ducked around to dummy's A.

Declarer now leads a spade to the J and our Q.

This has become a fairly simple exercise in counting points. Declarer has shown up with the SJ, HA, and the DQJ. That's already 8... so he can't hold the CK.

The question remains whether or not we should cash the top diamond before switching to clubs... I haven't worked this out yet.

After that hurdle, we can shift to the CQ, CA, then a small club, and cash out whatever clubs are coming our way. It's better to play them in this order so partner won't get any funny ideas of overtaking the CQ.

Declarer made a mistake by winning the DJ at T1. He should win the DQ, a card he is known to hold. As it turns out, if declarer had done that, I would have been less certain about the location of the CK!

Santa Rosa sectional 3/26 (part 1)


r/r, we're in second, they bid
1D - 1H - 1S - 4H

Partner leads the CQ, we see


Declarer wins the CK in hand and plays a heart to the Q. Right or wrong, I win the HA. Now what?

After partner's unfortunate lead, it looks like declarer will make three club tricks (unless he was dealt stiff K). I was worried about declarer being able to shed a diamond on the club if he was 3712, which is not terribly unlikely. Partner probably would have led a diamond if she had a stiff, so she rates to have 2 or 3. If she had 7 clubs, she _might_ have preempted (the suit is pretty bad and she probably doesn't have any outside cards.)

So I try to cash the DK. Declarer ruffs, draws trumps, hooks the club, sets up the diamond for a spade pitch, making 6.

I missed that even if we pick up a diamond trick, declarer can still pitch a spade on the club. Therefore, I should just leave things alone and exit passively with a trump. I think the only time it is right to cash a top diamond is when declarer is specifically 3712 with the AJ of spades.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Santa Rosa sectional 3/27

My favorite hand from the Swiss

You have Qx AJ9 AKxx AQ9x

You open 2N, partner transfers to 3S, then rebids 3N.

The lead is the HK.

KJT9x Tx x JT87x
Qx AJ9 AKxx AQ9x

In my very limited experience (about 3 hands over 2 years), hands like this that have a great 5 card suit but are very weak elsewhere should play in 4M. Otherwise, it's very likely the suit gets lost. Still, 3N on this hand is nearly cold. How do you play?

2 hearts and 2 diamonds are certain. The defense will give you a second heart trick in an attempt to establish their suit. We could bring in 4 spade tricks, but opponents won't be so obliging to win the first round of spades. After 2 spades, they win and knock out your final heart stopper, and you have no way to reach dummy without losing a club. Focusing on taking 4 club tricks leads to a similar problem.

I thought for a while and found a great solution: steal a spade, then work on clubs! They can't take the first spade, so you have 4 red, 1 spade, and you can ensure 4 club tricks!

Accordingly, I ran the SQ. It held. Then I cashed the CA, just in case the CK was singleton. LHO showed out (!).

So now they can hold up the proper amount of times in each suit. Changing gears again, I play a second spade, knocking out RHO's SA. I can force an entry in clubs because of dummy's great spots. RHO tables a heart after winning the spade; LHO could duck to preserve communications, but she wins and knocks out my final heart stopper. Since RHO has the CK, he has no hearts left. I end up taking 4 spades, 2 hearts, 2 diamonds, and 2 clubs.

I think I had the right idea, but missed the details. If we steal a spade by playing a low spade to the JACK, we're in dummy to finesse clubs! This will work as long as spades are no worse than 4-2, since dummy has the S9 (nice card) to solidify our spade suit. If they win the first round of spades, we can overtake the SQ.

Edit: I showed this hand to a friend, and we can ensure the contract by running the SQ, and then exiting a small club. If RHO ducks the club, we can finesse the club repeatedly now for 9 tricks. This works whenever clubs aren't 4-0 with LHO. I don't think there is a 100% play then.

Monday, March 21, 2011

From the 2011 Vandy

AT852 opp Q74 for 4 tricks

Friday, March 4, 2011

BBO 3/4

w/w you get dealt x AQJxx Axxx xxx

1H - (4C) - x - (p)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Stanford 3/1

RHO opens a 14-16 NT, you overcall 2S and play it there.

CK led



What's your plan?

At the table, I ducked, got a club continuation to the J and won the A. Ruffed a club small (LHO tanks and pitches a heart), and I now exited DK. RHO wins the A and shifts to a low spade. Now what?

Monday, February 28, 2011

GNT qualifier 2/27

You have Kxxx Kxx Jxx KJT

You open 1N 11-13, partner transfers you to 4H.

They lead the HJ

Jx AT98xxxx Kx x
Kxxx Kxx Jxx KJT

I won in hand, trumps broke 1-1. Crossed back to the HA, led a club to the J, losing to the A. A small diamond comes back.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

2/19 Regional

r/r LHO preempts 3S

(3S) - x - (p) - ?

T9x Kxxx xxx T87
Your call? Hand below.


I went for -1330. Sadly our teammates did not bid the slam for win 2.

Friday, February 18, 2011

BBO 2/18

r/w, RHO deals and passes, you bid unimpeded

1H - 2D
2S - 2N
3H - 4H
4N - 5C

LHO leads D5, you get



What's your play?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Stanford 2/15

They bid 1H - 1S - 1N

Partner leads the DT.


We put in the Q, declarer wins the K. Declarer leads the CK out of hand, partner wins the CA. Partner now tables the D9.

What's going on? I'll save you the agony: this is Stanford, so don't trust the bidding (or cardplay) too much. I decided that partner knows that we are supposed to lead the lowest from the remainder of a sequence, so I ducked. I guessed that partner was something like T9xxx in diamonds (otherwise declarer would have WAY too many.)

Partner continues the D7 to our A, declarer shed a heart and a spade from dummy, following twice from his hand. Now what?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Robots drink beer too

My friend purchased the high quality robots for a week on BBO, so she invited me to come play with them.

One robot partner beered the other.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

from a friend

r/w MPs, AJx Axx Q97542 x, we're in third

p - p - 1D - 1H
p - p - 2D

CJ led



Oh well, that's what we get for opening and rebidding a terrible suit r/w.

Seems normal to win the club and try to pitch a heart now. LHO ruffs the CK and lays down the HK.

For lack of anything to do, we win the HA and play another heart. LHO wins the Q (HJ appearing from RHO) and leads a third heart, RHO shakes a club, we ruff in hand. How do we tackle the trumps?

Seems like there are two options: we lead the DQ or we duck a round. We know LHO is x5x1, LHO x2x6. We can rule out LHO having 2 diamonds, surely he would have done something else with 5521. So LHO has at least 3 diamonds.

Is ducking a diamond ever right? If LHO started with AKx of diamonds, then he wins perforce, and now the defense is helpless. If he started with AJx or Axx, then ducking is no good; the defense can score their high trumps separately via a heart/club crossruff. The defense will make 1 club ruff, 3 high trumps, 1 heart, and 2 spades (barring a spade miracle.)

When is leading the DQ right? When diamonds are AKxx - J or Jx - AKx. But we've already ruled out Jx - AKx. Now we hold our diamond losers to one fewer for down 1 instead of 2.

Does LHO have HKQT9 DAK CJ? RHO failed to act over 1H, so RHO can't have much. He has six clubs to the Q and the HJ. With a high diamond honor, it looks like he may have bid over 1H. So he probably doesn't have that, but he probably does have a spade card, or LHO has a lot of stuff over there.

So it feels like RHO doesn't have a high diamond honor. What should we play for?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Give declarer a winning option?

I've been obsessing over this for a few days now, especially since the concept came up in two hands over a very short time frame.

Say declarer has Kx opp Jx. The goal for the defense is to take two tricks in the suit. Declarer has no pitches coming, so he will have to break the suit himself.

If the A is offside, declarer cannot avoid the loss of two tricks. That means we should exit passively and wait for declarer to break the suit.

If the A is onside, then leading a card through declarer's K gives him a losing option.

Does that mean that if you're declaring, and you know that the defense has the count, and they break the suit, therefore you should go up with the K? You have no recourse if left to your own.

In turn, does that mean that the defense, knowing that the A is offside, should present declarer a WINNING option and break the suit once in a while?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Palo Alto 1/26

MPs, partner deals

p - (1C) - p - (1H)
p - (2H) - p - (4H)

Partner leads CK, we see


Declarer wins the A, plays HQ, heart to the A, partner discarding a club. Leads a spade off dummy, 2, K, 8 (udca). Crosses to the HK, another spade, your play?

Monday, January 24, 2011

from a friend

They bid (1H) - x - (2H) - p - (2S) - p - (4H).

--------- (closed hand)

You start by cashing the CA, partner discouraging. Now what?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

1/22 casual game

You reach 4H after 1S - 1N - 2H - 4H



They start the CK. Your plan?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Stanford 1/11

Watched my friend play this one. You reach 4H after (1S) - 2H - (2S) - 4H

LHO leads a diamond spot (it was high, I don't remember the details, sorry)



Thanks to the lead, if diamonds are 3-3, we have a shot to make it. But even if they're 4-2...

Diamond to the J and K, CAK, club ruff, all follow. DA, DQ, RHO ruffs low, overruff. Club Q, LHO shows out (phew!), ruff in dummy. Top diamond, now RHO is down to AK of hearts and has no winning answer.

This needed friendly trumps, clubs 3=4 and diamonds 4=2, or just diamonds 3-3, but it worked!

Funny that we played this hand just last night, and just this morning I see a similar hand posted on BBF here:

Friday, January 7, 2011

casual game 1/6

Here's another one from tonight

Tx KJ9xxxx -- J642

RHO opens 1N (15-17), I'm going to make you bid 2C (clubs and another).

1N - 2C* - x** - 2D***
p - 2H - 3H**** - p

*clubs and another
** stayman
*** pass or correct
**** asking?


Thursday, January 6, 2011

casual game 1/6

You reach 4H after 1H - 3H - 4H

LHO leads a heart, you get



Plan? RHO follows to the first heart.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Stanford 1/4

I got to 3N on these cards (don't ask)


Diamond lead, won in hand. Heart finesse, holding. Club back, repeat the heart finesse. LHO flies A, leads another diamond. Win in hand, cash CK. Cross to dummy's SK, run hearts. On the final heart, we have




RHO can't pitch the club, so he parts with a spade. Declarer discards a club, and now LHO is squeezed.

Positional double squeeze!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Reno Regional 12/30

Had a few hands from the Reno Regional.


w/w RHO opens 3S, raised to 4.

We have xx Ax ATxx KQTxx, we lead CK.

Dummy tables


Dummy plays the A, partner the 5, declarer the 8. The missing spots are J852.

Declarer plays two high trumps, partner shedding the HK on the second round of spades. Declarer now plays a diamond from dummy to the K and our A. Now what?

Partner would not play the 5 from J52, so partner must have J5. We cash a second club, and now play A and a heart, beating the contract. It turns out if declarer just follows with the C2 at trick 1, we have a harder problem.

Our teammates reached 4S, and the defense did not cash correctly.

2. I've been over this suit combination before, but I really like it. Our opponents reached 6D with x opp AQT9xxx as trumps. The contract hinges on bringing the suit in for one loser.

Our declarer played low to the Q, which is the proper play*. Sadly, on that day, it was Jxx onside, so the anti percentage T wins and the Q fails.

*Low to the T picks up KJx, Jx, Jxx, Kx
Low to the Q picks up KJx, Jx, Kxx, Kx, AND Kxxx


Partner opens, you reach an uncontested 3N on these cards.



LHO leads the D2 (they lead fourth, but you've seen this guy lead 5th best already.) RHO wins the A, and now leads back the 9. So it really does look like diamonds are 5-3.

I was swayed by my D8, so I covered the 9. LHO hesitates a second... and then ducks. Shit! Damn 8! Why didn't I think longer? All finesses go into RHO, and by holding up (ducking the 9), we can sever the defensive communications.

After this start, I can no longer make, but let's say we properly hold up. The opponents cash a third diamond, and LHO clears the suit, diamonds indeed breaking 5-3.

We run the HQ, losing. RHO shoots back a heart.

We have 1 diamond, 4 hearts, 2 spades, 1 club. We need to develop one more trick. After running all the hearts, (pitch a spade and Qx of clubs, unblock!), we can either hook the spade or hook the club. But wait! Let's combine our chances. Attempt to drop the SQ doubleton, and if that fails, now you can take the 50-50 club finesse.

Did you notice something else? If RHO holds both these cards, he's toast. He will have started with Qxx Kxxx A9x Kxx or something like that (his shape is actually immaterial aside from the heart length. With shorter hearts, if he held the crucial black cards, he might have made a takeout double.) 3 diamonds, on the 4th diamond, he has to discard. Then 1 more discard on the hearts. So a total of 2 discards. If he shakes a spade, the Q is coming down, and we pick this up when we test for a doubleton Q. So he has to shake 2 clubs.

Can you read it? Did RHO go into the tank when pitching on the final heart?

I guess I'll never know.